Saturday, September 29, 2007

Kids...Get Out And Play With Nickelodeon in Hopewell Today!

Per several sources, but especially Petersburg Peoples News, the Worldwide Day of Play thought up by Nickelodeon comes to the Tri-Cities today.

The PPN says, "Petersburg students are invited to join other kids from the Tri-Cities to celebrate Nickelodeon’s “Let’s Just Play” campaign. The first event is “Worldwide Day of Play,” 12-4pm this Saturday, Sept. 29 at Hopewell High School [map]. The Day of Play will feature challenge zones; chaos challenges; health and wellness vendors, cooking demonstrations, health and wellness screenings, a basketball tournament, prizes and inflatables. The events are meant to help counter childhood obesity and encourage activity."

The really cool thing about this is that Nickelodeon is putting it's money where it's mouth is. The kids station is going off the air for a couple of hours at noon today. You can read more about that here.

Let's get our kids out to play and have some fun! See you there.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

I'm an Internet Picked Up My Blog

Yesterday's post was about Jenny McCarthy's comments on about her initial reaction to her son being diagnosed with autism. Just like most of my posts, I figured about 10-15 people would read my rambling opinion. WRONG!!!
Because of a setup that has with some outfit named Sphere, the page picked up that I had linked back to the Jenny McCarthy story. Typical traffic on my blog is about 15-25 people a day with 1-2 comments left. Yesterday I had about 150 people visit and 9 comments left!
I was shocked! Also, I honestly think it's sorta cool to be a very small internet contributor. Here's the link if you wanna see my famousness in all it's glory.
Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click on the "From the Blogs" section. There you will see my meager internet addition in all its glory.
Have a great day everyone!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Who woulda thought Jenny McCarthy would hit the nail on the head?

I've tried several times to express to the two or three people that read this blog regularly what it is like to find out you have a "different" child.

I happened across something written on today by former "Singled-Out" hottie Jenny McCarthy re: finding out her son has autism. You can read the whole piece here, but below is an excerpt which cuts to the quick:

I almost felt betrayed, like I didn't know this child standing in front of me. Everything I thought was cute was a sign of autism and I felt tricked. I guess the doctor sensed this from me because he turned my head back toward him and said, "He is still the same boy you came in here with."
No, in my eyes he wasn't. This was not Evan. Evan was locked inside this label, and I didn't know if I would ever get to know who Evan really was. All the behaviors I had thought were personality traits were autism characteristics, and that's all I had. Where was my son, and how the hell do I get him back?

Who woulda thought a former object of my desire would be able to encapsulate such a hard thing in beautiful words. Good work Jenny!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I know I've posted already this morning, but this is of great importance. Per a link on CNN, some female ninjas are up to no good...Please read here .

This is something Homeland Security should look in to. Can we get the female ninjas to take on Ahmenijhad while he's in town?

Heroes post number 2 - was the wait worth it?

I'm not going to turn this blog into one of those pathetic fanboy sites that picks apart every little detail of a show to fill some sort of void in my life, BUT do you think the Heroes season debut was worth it?

I have to say yes. The show does a great job of moving along while having a lot of plotlines and characters.

The coolest thing about last night's show was that there was an overwhelming sense of some bad stuff is gonna happen. The show needs some real baddies and it looks like they're lurking around the edges.

Overall it was a good show and I'm glad it's back. Comments anyone?

Monday, September 24, 2007

Heroes comes back tonight AND we have a new office villain

Tonight at 9, Heroes returns to NBC. This is easily the best show on television. If you haven't watched it, do yourself a favor and tune in tonight.

In that same hero/villain vein, we have a new bad guy at work. For blogging safety, I will call him Lurch.

Lurch started about two weeks ago. He's one of these sales guys that thinks the world of himself and nothing about anyone else. He's sold to the highest level of executives at some of the biggest companies in the world, BUT is still driving a beater of a used car from the late '90s filled with enough trash that it looks like he lives in it. He uses two laptops while at work when he doesn't even have the need for one!

The worst part about Lurch is that he's in my territory. He is emphatic about being brought up to speed about our region, and who has to do that? You guessed it, me!

Lurch also has loudly proclaimed to everyone encased in the sales pods that he reads 60 hours a week (sorry looking at porn, doesn't count Lurch!) and could "filet us like fishes" if we dared to lock horns with him in a politcal debate.

It looks like the only way out of these terrible new circumstances is to accept M's offer to become her account manager. Problem is, I've already dubbed her the meanest co-worker ever.

Any thoughts on how to deal with a six foot five, 40+ year old, sales genius blow hard would be greatly appreciated.

Saturday, September 15, 2007


So I guess you haven't seen much from me recently. Well I just haven't been up to writing. Nothing is wrong, just haven't been up to blogging.

Lots of great things have happened that I could write about. Kids went back to school. Went to the Redskins' season opener (GO SKINS!!!) I went to Boston for the first time on a business trip and my lovely bride came along. Stayed at a fabulous hotel on said business trip.

I don't know, maybe it's writer's block or writers blahs...whatever. I'll get out of it shortly and post something.

Thanks for stopping by. Ya'll come back now, ya hear?!?

Sunday, September 2, 2007

What Really Happened To Cabbage Patch Kids

Too freakin' funny! It's good to also see The Martin Agency churning out good stuff.