Friday, June 8, 2007

Petersburg's Rebirth...Go to Friday for the Arts

If you didn't know, Petersburg is on its way back. It's been a long and arduous road, but Old Towne is making a go of trying to rise from the rubble.

Granted, they've got a LONG way to go. The city has many critics. One of the most vocal critics is a former co worker of mine. Anything the city does is corrupt according to him. Nothing seems to be good enough for him. With any city's rebirth, there are plenty that see the glass half empty.

Let's focus on the positive of The Cockade City's positive traction. One extremely positive thing about Petersburg is Friday for the Arts which is always on the second Friday of every month. It's free. You get to look at cool local art and hear cool local music. What's better than that?

Also a great local blog about Petersburg is Petersburg People's News. Check this regularly for updates on the goings ons.

See y'all down in P'burg tonight for some free art.

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