Sunday, August 12, 2007

What the heck happened to your eyebrows?

Friday evening didn't start out so well. The commute from my office door to my front door typically takes no more than 35 minutes. Friday it took more than an hour and a half because of several accidents along 95 south. Needless to say, I was a little tense when I pulled in alongside the house.

The girls come bounding up to the car, which always makes me smile.

K. looked a little strange. It was cooler than it had been, but it was still hot. What was odd about K. was that she had that silly, floral, Gilligan-like bucket hat on when it was at least 90 degrees outside.

As she started to chat away about her day and how she wanted ice cream, her hat slid back on her head and then I noticed it. One of the weirdest conversations I've ever had with any of my kids then ensued.

And it went a little somethin' like this:

"K., what the heck happened to your eyebrows?"


"No really honey, what happened? Your eyebrows are gone!"

Fearing that she had been playing with daddy's razor, I went straight to the point.

"K. How did you cut your eyebrows off?"

"With my scissors."


The only obvious answer for a six year old that has cut off her eyebrows followed:
"I don't know."

It's these type of moments that first perplex you as a parent, but when you have a day or two to reflect, you realize at how awesome of a job you have.

When is the last time you went in to work and had a discussion with a coworker on why they cut their eyebrows?


Michelle said...

funny... my 7 year old tried his hand at shaving one of his legs the other day.

Chris said...

Too funny...Kids are crazy. K., my daughter, still looks weird. Thanks for stopping by and making a comment.