Friday, November 16, 2007

Honesty is hard sometimes...

I've had a rough couple of days.

I've been on the giving AND receiving end of not being as honest about something as possible. Needless to say, in both instances, feelings were hurt, trust was lost, and overall unhappiness ensued.

There's really nothing to say in these instances except I'm sorry and start the LONG, ARDUOUS task of regaining trust.

In the end, it really is so much easier to do the right thing and tell the truth.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, you're human? So, you realize that? So, you're flogging yourself? Even Jesus "lost it" in the Temple, sought another way out, was hurt by his friend's betrayal, and STILL CARRIED ON!

It's the growing to be more than before, learning from the stumbles and foibles, and CARRYING ON!

Vivat Jesus!!