Thursday, January 10, 2008

Hello, Sutherland!

Sitemeter is a cool site.

It tells you where people are viewing your blog from in real time.

Recently, meaning today, there has been someone from Sutherland, VA looking at both me and my wife's blog A LOT.

Why do I even bother telling you this? Well, my wife and I have a mortal enemy in Sutherland. I wonder if it's them? I hope not. Anyway, hello Sutherland!

1 comment:

Girl Scout Promise said...

I don't have any mortal enemies. I practice the art of forgiveness and moving on with life. While I am on the subject, I am also not afraid of anyone or anything other than GOD!!

I hope that if Sutherland is who you think it is, they will look in the Bible on how to conduct their life and business and I pray that they to have moved on with life.

The WIFE Speakeths