Thursday, May 15, 2008


I'm feeling pretty crappy today. It's pretty much all brought on by myself. Work, family, money, all of it seems to be going wrong recently...again brought on mostly by me.

I just wish this veil of a funk would lift. I'm trying hard to help it leave me, but it won't.

I want a good word from somewhere, but can't seem to find it. Funny thing is that the good word I'm looking for is right in front of me, but I'm such a sourpuss that I can't see it.



Bookstore Piet said...

It could be worse. It could be football season. Then you would have one more thing to be disappointed in...

Chris said...

Ahhh...the exact soothing words I was looking for. The Redskins definitely add to my malaise, however. But they're like heroin, you just can't walk away.