Monday, October 13, 2008

Don't Whine If You're a Christian in America

If you haven't noticed, I've really been convicted lately about sharing the gospel of Christ to others face to face. I hear people say that they're too scared to do so. Well, I understand being scared. I'm really scared when I share with someone, but it's just something you pray about and get over.

I also here Christians in America complain about the persecution that we're under because of the media, gays, liberals, etc. Really? I mean, really? You feel we're persecuted? Below is a link from a main stream media source (not some AFR supported megaphone) that shows what true persecution is all about: .

People are dying because of their professed belief in Christ. People are forced to live in make shift tents because of their belief in the one true Lord.

Wake up America! We've got it good. Now go tell someone the Good News.


Anonymous said...

Really- there are a lot of whiners out there.

Dont we all miss he good ol days when it was the Christians killing and forcing people of other religions to convert.

Remember the inqusitions !


Chris said...


God love you, and fortunately He does.

I feel that you aren't really interested in a conversation about Christ or how we carry his mantle.

If you are, let me know.

God Bless you.

Ephesians 2:8-9

Anonymous said...

why can't the christians form a militant group that's sole purpose is to guard christian neighborhoods and churches? the sunni's have formed the "awakening council", why can't the Christians do the same?

this will at least provide some sort of protection and security of the mind for families traveling to church and from work to home.

Anonymous said...

you certainly get the interesting visitors, man. I'm keenly interested in your reply to the militant grp idea :-)

I'm blessed to know a man that values what this all really means ... telling others they are loved ... by the author of love.

Bless you, "spreader of His love"

- td