Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Reaction from both "sides" to Falwell's death is misguided

In my opinion, the reason get so many people get so bent out of shape in regard to Jerry Falwell's death is that their venom/vitriol or love/adoration is misplaced.

Jerry Falwell was a pastor, politico, church builder, father, grandfather, but most importantly, human. Mr. Falwell said some very stupid things while on this earth. He also built a very influential university and church that have lead, dare I say, thousands to Christ.

The point being, people turn their attention always to the person, not the message. As Paul said, "for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God..." (Romans 3:23 NIV). This means eventhough Falwell worked hard to win souls to Christ, he still sinned. We all do. My pastor does as does yours.

Just because you're in the public eye, it doesn't mean you have a shorter pathway to redemption. Both Christians and non Christians should stop over emphasizing a man's life and realize the message that Christ saves is what's important.


adamandjeremy said...

I agree with you but part of all mankind being sinful is pride and selfishness, and in the case of people who felt verbally assaulted by Falwell and those who now feel assaulted by those who hate Falwell and his University, like Jeremy and Myself, there is a huge amount of personal pride that gets mixed into your rather black and white summary of the situation.

Chris said...

There certainly is a lot of personal pride in all that we do as humans. I agree with you that my assessment of the situation is fairly black and white.

It's a hard thing doing what we're supposed to do and not falling back on what we want to do.