Sunday, May 27, 2007

Pluralism is not a set of beliefs

As I've stated proudly before, I'm a Christian. This post isn't about me bringing you over to my side. This is a post about the proliferation of the idea that everyone's ideas can be correct. Our society is becoming more and more accepting of the "fact" that there are several truths out there.

The pluralistic idea is pure absurdity. Truth is truth. It is or it isn't. Are there questions in life? Absolutely. Are there areas of life that we won't know the answers to until we meet our maker? Of course. The idea that everyone's ideas about life's truths are correct just doesn't hold water. If everyone is correct in their search for truth, then who's wrong?

Grow up America. There is a right and a wrong. I'm tired of having to apologize for that. Do I believe that Christ is the way, the truth, and the life? ABSOLUTELY. Am I closed minded enough not to listen to other opinions? NO. Faith closes the gaps when the facts aren't there or just don't make sense.

I'm sure there are those that will think I'm close minded for stating this opinion. I truly welcome your comments in order to have an interesting conversation.

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