Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Colonial Heights Loses a Great Teacher

As I've mentioned before, my 4 year old son has special needs. The awesome thing about living in Colonial Heights is that they have a public special education preschool. This is a resource that should be available to all families with special needs preschoolers in Virginia, but that is for another post.

C.'s teacher of 2 1/2 years, Ali Smith, has decided not to return next year. This makes me and my wife B. very sad. Mrs. Smith is a shining example of what a teacher should be. She's patient with a group of kids that can easily try anyone's patience. While there is a whole team of teachers that has helped C., Mrs. Smith has been there every step of the way. She's seen C. go from a non-communicative 2 year old that couldn't get around without crawling to a precocious 4 year old that can cruise with the best of them with his walker.

Best of all, I've seen first hand how personally Ali takes the progress and welfare of all of her students. We feel like we're losing an extended family member.

Good luck Mrs. Smith. You will be missed.

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