Monday, June 11, 2007

Petersburg's Woeful Teacher Situation

In an article in the Progress-Index today, the simple reason for the woeful performance of the Petersburg Public School system is wrapped up in the following paragraphs:

There is little doubt teacher salaries are lagging in Petersburg. The average teacher salary in Virginia last year was $47,248, compared to $38,252 in Petersburg, according to state figures. And Petersburg lags behind other nearby school districts with Colonial Heights being in the top at $48,999 for the average teacher salary. The closest average salary to Petersburg is Hopewell at $42,351 and Dinwiddie County at $42,866, according to the state.The school system did try to get more for salaries this year. The school board’s proposed budget of $11.63 million was $1.9 million more than the level funding provided by the city of $9.73 million on May 15. The requested increase was earmarked for increases in teacher salaries.But the City Council on May 15 rejected the school board’s request for more money, meaning the school board had to go back to its budget looking for money to raise teacher salaries.

I know there are a few out there that will say that the free market has failed the children of Petersburg and some liberal minded plan should be insituted to turn things around.

How 'bout this? Instead of making our first concern school uniforms, let's have the City Council approve the school board's request for more money so they can pay the teachers in Petersburg a competitive wage.

Would you go work for a company that was going to pay you almost $10,000 less than the neighboring company but ask you to work harder in a worse working environment? Say it with me now..."HECK NO!" That's what is happening when teachers weigh whether they'd rather apply to Col. Heights or Petersburg.

Come on guys, pony up the dough.

1 comment:

adamandjeremy said...

You are dead on. My Wife is a teacher in Richmond and has been looking at other options in our area. Needless to say she has bawked at anything further south than CH and thats not just because it would be a longer drive.