Tuesday, June 26, 2007

I'm Sick and the Revival of the Fairness Doctrine is Stupid

I haven't posted in a few days because of some type of stomach flu like illness that has really given me the business.

There has been some rumblings recently of reviving the Fairness Doctrine in regards to talk radio. Sen. Inhofe(R-OK) supposedy heard Sens. Clinton (D-NY) and Boxer (D-CA)discussing a legislative "fix" to conservative talk radio. It seems now that the conversation in question didn't happen recently and was used by Inhofe to stir the ever bubbling political cauldron.

However, the group Center for American Progress issued a report and that looking as recent as Spring '07, which stated "of the 257 news/talk stations owned by the top five commercial station owners, 91 percent of the total weekday talk radio programming was conservative."

AND? The reason, plain and simple, that most of talk radio programming is conservative is that is what has made money for the commercial radio stations. These stations are in broadcasting to make money. If the majority of folks liked listening to thrash metal then that's what the majority of stations would play.

I'm sure there will be some that read this that will point to the nefarious Right Wing Conspiracy, which is absurd as Liberals plotting to squash all things American.

America still is a place that thrives on capitalism. You have an idea, product, service that people want and it's marketed correctly, people will buy it, or in this case listen to it.


Anonymous said...

I agree with you, but many argue that the airwaves are public property and that companies granted the rights to utilize them should be required to give even and fair time so it's not only the rich who get to put what they want on there. What they fail to realize is that it takes money to utilize those airwaves so there is nothing anyone can do to change that structure. Air America failed for a reason, it wasn't comercially viable. It was a chance for the Left to put their money where their mouth is and it failed.

If fairness is forced on the airwaves, where will it be forced next? In print media? On television shows? On the internet?

EAPrez said...

What's wrong with the "Fairness Doctrine" unless you're against fair play? The airwaves belong to the public - they always have. Licenses are granted based on their service to the public - or so it used to be before the Republicans came to town and gutted the rules and orchestrated the message being heard. When only one side of the story is being heard in a market - day in and day out 365 days a year with no alternative message then it's no wonder ditto heads are ditto heads - they never hear the other side. They aren't critical thinkers - they're walking Republican Talking Points who know nothing else. The point of the fairness doctrine is to hold these broadcasters accountable for what they say. Has NOTHING to do with destroying capitalisim as they would have you believe. They want to be free to spout their propaganda with no checks and balances. Do your homework. Progressive talk radio beats the old standby's in many large markets Ed Shultz beats Hannity and Limbaugh in their own backyards.

Chris said...

The fairness doctrine worked when there were three tv stations and there was a five minute political commentary. The other "side" was given equal time to respond to the editorial.

Hannity and Limbaugh are blowhards in my opinion. I don't really listen to them all that often. However, most people disagree with me, and that's why they have a show.

The problem with forcing talk radio to air both sides of the issue is that it would fail. How would it work? Ok Hannity, you have 5 mins...Now it's your turn Colmes...

As far as the airwaves belonging to the public, you're right eaprez, BUT the licenses are expensive. Companies that can afford those licenses are only going to put on programs that make them money by attracting listeners, which allows them to sell commercial time.

Beth said...

The way it works is our local red neck station who broadcasts nothing but back to back limbaugh, hannity, etc around the clock would also have to air Ed Schultz, Stephanie Miller, Randi Rhodes or whatever they chose. When Air America brought their affiliate to a local station here - the same advertisers who bought ads on the conservative radio station bought ads on the new progressive station. You see - they don't care who buys their products liberal, conservative - doesn't matter. This mythology that you have in your head that no one listens to progressive talk radio is just not true. The country was 50/50 the last two elections - so at least 50% of the folks do want to hear it. Now - I'd bet more would be willing to hear the other side since the stuff conservatives are peddling aint going over so well any longer.

Chris said...

Then why did Air America fail? And please don't give the line about some right wing conspiracy....

Anonymous said...

Air America didn't fail. I'm listening to it now over my computer. Another right wing MYTH. Another example of why the fairness doctrine is needed - so you can get your facts straight.

Chris said...

The FCC feels differently. That's why they repealed the fairness doctrine in the eighties. They actually found that the fairness doctrine stifled competition and debate. See next post.

By the way, thanks for reading. Enjoy the webcast of Air America.

Anonymous said...

The "fairness doctrine" would put the current stations out of business because listeners clearly don't care about left talk radio. If the left can't play, no one can.