Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Summer is cool

Stop for a brief second and really think back. Summer equals what to you? I remember sunny days, going to help dad at the stadium where we owned the concessions for a minor league ball club, going on vacation, not having a plan but always doing something with friends...the list could go on for pages.

Now that my children are getting old enough to be a little more independent, I can see that they are beginning to make memories of their own. Whether it's B. reaching the "pro bowler" level on our Wii, K. playing at the park across the street all day, or C. bugging us that he wants to go outside for the umpteenth time, these memories are what colors their view of the world - past, present, and future.

My family is blessed with friends that have invited us along with them to Atlantic Beach, NC for the week of July 4th. My kids can't stop talking about it, and to be honest, I'm stoked about it. From what I hear, the Crystal Coast isn't saturated with tourist traps, but is a nice place to go with your family to enjoy time together. That's what it's all about. Whether your not going anywhere for vacation or traveling around the world, what your family will remember most is the time you spent together this summer.

My wife sums it up best in a writing assignment she had for a writing group she's in. As you can tell, she had to write an acrostic for the word summer. I think she did an excellent job!


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