Monday, June 18, 2007

Bland is Back and Sooner Than Petersburg Expected Him

According to a story today in the Progress-Index, Fenton Bland is getting ready to be released from the Federal pokey.

No doubt about it, this guy is criminal. It's really too bad that now that Petersburg's resurgence has really begun to get some legs underneath it, it's ugly past, in the form of Bland, has to rear its ugly head.

The most interesting/curious point in this article is:

At the time of Bland’s appearance in court, Hudson reminded Bland that most people convicted of federal crimes must serve at least 85 percent of their sentence.


Based upon his released date, Bland will have served 22½ months, or about 39 percent, of his 57-month sentence.

I can't figure that one out. Justice is blind, right? There's no funny business in the sentencing of politicians, is there?

Somebody help me out here!

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