Wednesday, December 26, 2007

My RVABlogs Score Sucks

Have you guys ever logged in to RVABlogs' Hott or Nott feature to see how your blog is ranked "the enigmatic RVABlogsScore"? Don't lie, you know you have!

Well, enigmatic is one word for it. I can't figure my score out at all. My wife, who doesn't post as much as me, is consistently ranked higher than me. Is it that the powers that be at RVABlogs just don't think my posts are any good? Do I need to talk more about Richmond? Is there really a ranking system at all?

Somebody help me out with this question of the ages!


Jason Kenney said...

From what I can figure, it looks like it's kinda based on an average popularity for posts where the quality of a blog's content counts for more than the quantity. But I'm not sure. I'm pretty low on the totem pole myself.

Anonymous said...


I've looked a few times, but don't get it either. Oh well.