Monday, August 25, 2008

I Want a Beard for My Birthday

Sometimes C.'s "limitations" because of his hydrocephalus are really frustrating, BUT usually his uniquessnes shines through and it can result in hilarity.
For some reason, C. has an infatuation with anything related to a beard. You read that right, a beard. Whenever he sees my dad, which is about every 6 months, one of his first questions to Granpa is, "Why you have that beard on?"
Whenever I don't shave over the weekend, which is quite regularly, he says, "Why you growing a beard?" and laughs histerically.
Last night topped the beard covered cake. He just looked directly at Belinda and said, "For my birfday...I want a beard. It will go here and here" pointing to where the beard must show up on his face. What a weird, but funny, thing to blurt out.

I most definitely will be purchasing him something similar to the picture above in October. Hope he likes it. Maybe I'll throw in the monocle to make him look even more dignified.


Anonymous said...

BTW -- this is beyond "priceless" - td

Chris said...

I'm growing a beard now, just so C. can check it out.