In the comment section of a post on Existential Punk, Bookstore Piet uses his typical bullying tactic to try and shut me up or change my mind. Interesting thing about truth. It makes people very uncomfortable. Notice how Bookstore insults me, insinuates I'm hiding numerous things that I'm overcompensating for, and even bring in my family. I stayed above that, but want everyone to take a look. Comment there or here. That's what makes blogging so much fun.
Thanks Bookstore! You've given me my blogging spark back.
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Hey Cwray - I read the thread you referenced. There is a lot that could be shared to bring clarity, on many levels. However, it doesn't appear to be an atmosphere looking to be 'clear'. From the one guy's comment that "he doesn't see any problem insulting you" ... to the loose / selective literalist approach to scripture hinting.(as no real portion of God's word is used to support their positions)
No one there appears to communicate any appetite to embrace the truth, in any respect. It just seems the aim is to call anyone that disagrees w/ them 'small' or judgemental, etc. All just a convenient way of saying, "uh uh, is not" or "shut up."
I don't share any of this w/ the notion of my being anything other than a sinner redeemed by Christ. "Pearls before swine", man. I am not calling anyone there a pig --- I am saying, it is virtually pointless to attempt to have exchange w/ any party(s) lacking the willingness to receive, as well as submit. If what you share isn't wanted ... it most likely won't be received. I appreciate your willingness to address; so I'll leave a note there. - td
Thanks for visiting my blog and for the shout out as you have helped drive traffic to my blog.
Happy Holidays to you and your family.
I left a comment. Kinda long. Not sure how he'll take it. - td
I appreciate your comment here and at the other blog. The author of the blog has been pretty respectful. Bookstore Piet, interestingly, hasn't responded. He's a bully. The funny thing is that he thinks his crap works. I just think it's funny to get him riled up. Sorta surprised he hasn't taken the bait further this time.
As I wrote on your blog, thanks for stating your case without being a tool.
As far as driving traffic to your blog, not so sure about that. I barely get ANY traffic here.
Merry Christmas,
i have had numerous visitors but not any comments and that's ok. Everyone is welcome, whether they comment or lurk! :)
TD, i am a woman, just so you are clear. And i responded to you. i feel i was respectful even though we don't agree. Thanks for your respectful comment.
All the best,
Poor Chris. He goes out on other sites, calls other people sinners and condemns them for being different and then cries that he's being bullied. Your the one running around beating others over the head with your intolerance and then calling what I believe crap while trying to play the victim card. I could really care less about your superstitious beliefs but when you go around throwing your bible based bigotry into other peoples faces I take issue.
Bashing gays is just Chris' and Christian's hobby today. Had you been born 20 or 30 years earlier you would be using the bible to argue against interracial marriage, before that to segregate blacks and before that for slavery. A couple of centuries before you would be persecuting Jews, women perceived to be witches and anybody else who disagreed with your interpretation of the bible.
When I lived in Atlanta we lived across the street from a neighbourhood gay bar. My wife and I went there often and had a number of good friends there. One night a car full of boys from the counties drove into Midtown and were calling out homophobic slurs at people walking the streets. When they were near our house one of them threw a brick at a young man leaving the bar. He died a couple of days later. During the trial the boys pastor took the stand as a character witness. This fine
Southern Baptist minister said - 'These are fine upstanding young men that were just out having a bit of fun. Besides, it was just a fag.'
Your comments again speak for themselves. The only person bringing hatred into this argument has been you.
I've said time and time again that we are all sinners. ALL OF US, including myself. How much more clearly do I have to make a point?
Honestly, for someone who claims to have so much intellectual integrity, you really don't seem to have much at all.
As far as you claiming to know my hobbies, interesting claim. We've never met. Does this mean you actually stand by your invite to your store? I'd love to take you up on it but don't want to drop by and have you claim it was an attempt at a gotcha moment.
God bless, bookstore. I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas.
god is dead.
Thanks for stopping by .lp. and adding even more to the conversation. Really. I mean it.
Hey! looks like i have a new blog for my reader. get in touch with me! i have some updates for you...
Thanks for your insight into biblical truths. EP wont allow me to comment anymore on her website, eventhough I consistently use scripture to back up my points, Ive never been demeaning in anyway nor have I condemned anyone to hell...yet, the rebuttal I get is always based on moral relativism, selective scripture passages taken out of context or simply untrue interpretations of the bible.
Because I get into a "circular" debate, theres no sense allowing me to comment according to EP... I guess its all circular if you live in shades of gray (truth). Then I am called a right wing fundamentalist know -it-all, told to remove the plank in my eye, etc etc.
Thanks again for apparently being more civil than myself, in the mean time, you may enjoy this:
Tracking some of these conversations lately, just confirms my misgivings with the blogosphere as a place of civil discourse and community discussion. Somehow it often brings out our worst prejudices. There's no face or person to connect a comment to, so we come up the the image we are most comfortable dealing with. With the increasing lack of analog alternatives, public debate, as often as not, just degenerates into an exercise in name calling and mudslinging.
Paul H,
I couldn't agree more. I try to stay away from the mudslinging and namecalling, but fall victim to it way too often.
God bless,
i NEVER said you could never comment on my blog.
i apologized to you for my knee-jerk reaction to your youtube link and never said your comments would be deleted. When i responded to the youtube link, i was going to remove the link and not your comment. But, oh, wait, you did not have any comment with the link to explain it.
Please stop spreading lies man!
Your use of scripture to back your point up is your interpretation of scripture. We simply disagree and i am ok with that. If you would read ALL that i write you will see i screw up and admit it and that i have conservative friends who disagree with me as well but we get along just fine, even in disagreeing. Also, if you would go through the entire body of my blog, you will see not all my posts are LGBTQ related. So, why don't you do what myslef and other do whe we visit blogs that are new to us and read through the entore blog?
So why don't you stop your pity party and lying?
Warm Regards.
Bret and EP,
I'm not gonna referee y'all, so play nice. ;)
To let you both and everyone know, I publish all comments unless their only intent is to be malicious.
EP, the only thing I'll really comment on is your point on the interpretation of scripture. I agree that we all bring our own interpretations of scripture to the table, some of them wildly differing than each others. However, that's an easy argument to use, and it often doesn't apply. What I mean is this, if we agree that the readily accepted translations of the bible are correct, than there are certain truths in the word of God that don't really lend themselves to much interpretation as long as they are used in the proper context.
Thanks for joining in the fray, y'all!
Thanks. i was giving my perspective and wanted to stop the lie Brett is perpetuating about my banning him.
We have different translations like the NIV, NAS, NRSV, et al that lend us translations. Those translations were done by humans and how we interpret said translations goes far deeper than just reading the scripture and taking it literally. We all bring our own life stories and biases when we read the Bible. That was really my minor point to the previous comment of mine to Brett.
i did ban one person from my blog a while ago because the person was not being nice to a lot of other commenters. BUT i NEVER told Bret i was banning him.
We do not have to agree or see eye to eye, but i do not think misrepresenting a person is fair.
That's all.
Don't sweat the whole banning thing. I'm not worried about that.
The translation are different to some degree. However, whether you take scripture literally or not has nothing to do with the translation you're reading. Most generally accepted translations are the subject of much scholarly debate and can be assured general accuracy.
I know I won't convince you now to take scripture literally as the word of God, but let's realize that whether you take scriptures literally and the different translations don't really have much to do with each other.
I look forward to our conversation continuing.
Rock on!
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