Monday, February 16, 2009

Love - A Valentine's Day Recap

So with the end of 2008 stinking up the joint for my family and the beginning of 2009 not being much better, Belinda and I didn't really have any bangup plans for Valentine's day. Someone was nice enough to donate tickets to our church's Valentine's Day banquet, so we went.

It was very nice. Everyone did a great job of decorating up the gym to look really fancy. We enjoyed ourselves and even went out for a coffee at the Books-A-Million after the fact (I know! I know! Wild times in Col. Hgts.!)

During the banquet, our youth pastor gave a great devotional. He talked about the order of love in your life. Where your love of the Lord?

Let me say that Belinda and I have had a recommitment to our marriage recently. Through a lot of things, we've just decided that it's important and we're gonna make it work better. I love her more that anyone on this Earth.

My kids are awesome! They bring me so much joy, it's ridiculous.

Both of those things being said, my time with both Belinda and my kids is relatively short. I've got eternity to spend at the feet of my Lord. The believer's relationship with Christ is described as a marriage. Am I treating it as such? Does my love for Him trump it all?

I'm trying to move to more of a place where that love is the cause for all that I do. I'm not there, but I want to be. Nothing but good things will come out of loving Jesus as much as I possibly can because as the ol' song goes, "He first loved me."

Hope y'all had a good Valentine's day! God Bless!


kc bob said...

Thanks for sharing Chris.. it was a sweet sharing.

HennHouse said...

Chris: I love this post. Especially the time here vs. time at the feet of our Lord part. So true. And I could almost picture it. Sitting there like Mary. While the stuff we do here feels like a whole lotta Martha.

Thanks for stopping by the HennHouse!