Sunday, June 10, 2007

You're Right Libs, The Islamic World Isn't A Threat

This headline screamed at me this morning, Iran confirms detention of 4th American! Where did this story appear? The evil Drudge Report? The nefarious Fox News site? No. The front page of Yahoo!

The news of how dangerous a time we live in is being drowned out. I'm surprised Yahoo! picked this story up. Our generation doesn't have to really sacrifice for the war as other generations did in WWI and WWII. We listen to news about how Paris has to serve her jail term first as opposed to how many of our troops were injured or killed. Take that one step further and we NEVER hear news about how much progress we've made in Iraq.

The world is in a dangerous spot. The Islamo-Fascists, to borrow a term, hate America, plain an simple. We are on the brink of another World War, which, belive it or not, is not G.W's fault. While many mistakes have been made in the Middle East, this administration had the fortitude to stare a lion in the eye that wants nothing else but to swallow us whole.

The situation in the Middle East is not as simple as either the Liberals or Conservatives make it in their talking points. However, I am positive that the Islamic bullies want nothing more than for us to cut and run as so many Democratic leaders are suggesting.


Bill Garnett said...

Although I agree with much of what you state, however, the continual sniping across the red/blue divide only exasperates the challenge America faces. We need to pull together as a nation – and accusing one side or another falsely of a “cut and run” mentality is simplistic and simply wrong.

There is nothing un-American about having a reasoned debate about how to best use our resources now that the Iraq situation has not progressed as originally hoped, and to reassess our policies in order to best counter Islamic terrorists.

There are many credible experts that suggest that our continued occupation in Iraq may be playing into the hands of the recruiters of Islamic terrorists and that some redeployment and repositioning of assets might better serve our cause.

It would be helpful if we were to pull together as a nation – I suggest that accusations of “cut and run” only serve to raise the noise level and do not shed light on common sense, and commonly supported, solutions.

Chris said...

After reviewing your comment, I realize I came off a little harsh. I completely agree with your view of the party in-fighting that is so prevalent today.

We are in a dangerous and important place in our country's history. How we respond as a country, not as seperate parties, could change thing for generations to come.

Bill Garnett said...


Thank you for that comment -- it helps give me faith in our future that we can find common ground.

And I also agree that this is a new pivotal point in our history -- a point I fear too few Americans are sensitive to.

Whether we can recruit more citizens to this point of view may be the way history will evnetually view us.


Anonymous said...

You didn't come off as harsh, you came off as sadly uneducated and mindlessly fascistic. Did you bother to investigate why they would take Americans prisoner, or even how? Because the Americans had violated their national sovereignty, actually even attacking their embassy and detaining Iranians. And you, conveniently, ignore a key point, all four are dual citizens of Iranian descent. Gosh, why would you leave that out, I wonder? That's as if America arrested as dual German-American citizen for robbery and the Germans threatened America. You'd be screaming bloody murder about Germany getting involved, and you damn well know it.

But I guess this hypocrisy is all okay in wingnut fantasy land, though, eh?

The rest of your post is mindless whining about how "evil" Islam is. Would you like to compare body counts by religion?

I'd like to be more polite, but a. I react in kind, and b. you and your thinking are the problem, not the solution. Your foolish pontificating (and I don't mean just you, all like you) about a world war or crusade is not only impractical and illogical, it ignores all of human history, alienates the large swath of Muslims who don't yet hate us because of our imperialistic (militaristic and economic) drives and inflames an already tense situation without any basis in fact or thought.

This is the last time I visit this blog. I can't imagine why I ever did. And don't use my site to publish your own, I will delete it.

Chris said...


Your threats to never read this blog again are surprising. I always held you as someone who would be able to hold a meaningful debate without delving down into throwing generalizations that really don't have anything to do with the point at hand.

Where in this post did I whine?

As far as how educated I am, I do believe that I did graduate the fine institution of Virginia Tech, but I'm sure that won't even come close to your esteemed list of degrees and accolades. It must take alot a learnin to be a big ol' freelance writer, huh?

If you want to delete my post to your blog, that's your perogative. I will not return that favor, as I believe in the true discourse that you prented to support, but it looks like when push comes to shove, you run from any type of meaningful conversation