Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Who Woulda Thought?

It's funny how people really think they know you by the brief snapshots provided by your blog. Give your readers a glimpse into how you feel about something or ask a question that gets people thinkin and watch out. See here for a glimpse into some aggressive comments by one of our beloved RVA (emphasis on the RVA) food bloggers. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not wilting underneath the bright light of criticism, but I'm surprised by someone who's never met me comes on my blog and basically assaults my core belief system by throwing me in with a bunch of jerks.

Anyway, NO ONE is a black and white caricature. Case in point, I an "evil hearted, head in the sand, fundamentalist, Bible-beating, Christian" is volunteering tonight with HeadCount at the Umphrey's McGee/STS9 show to help get people registered to vote. And no Foodie, it's not an opportunity for me to spread my evil way of thinkin to others as it's a completely not a political organization.

This blogging thing makes us all do what we do anyways as far as making instant character judgements. It's just interesting when those judgements are left behind permanently in the electron disturbing form of a comment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Propaganda spreader! (or would that be "propagandist"?) :-)

BTW -- well put Mr C -- td