Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Warning...This Post Contains Psychological Honesty Not Nudity as Dr. Savage Promises

As I've stated before, I'm of the view that words do matter and as culture we've gotten more and more coarse with little regard for what we say. Entertainers, talk show hosts, "news"casters, bloggers, etc. seem to speak/write first think later, if ever.

If you haven't been hiding under a rock, you've heard about Michael Savage's recent assertion that 99% of autistic children are, "a brat who hasn’t been told to cut the act out." He also calls this "act" that autistic children put on acting like a "moron" and "idiot."

I know that Savage's primary goal is to shock and awe his listening base as much as he can so they'll tune in so as not to miss his newest word of wisdom. I also know that his speech and speech like it is protected in our country, and I'm glad it is.

However, is this type of speech adding anything to the public dialogue? Are you really walking away from listening to Savage's rant with something edifying or informative? Nope and nope.

The fact that so many of us today say that they believe someone because they claim to be a liberal or a conservative is pathetic. Why have so many of us become sheep? Where will this lead our country?

Words are powerful things that can either build up or tear down...which do you chose and why?


Anonymous said...

Apparently I've been under a rock, but maybe that's not a bad thing. Maybe I like it that way...

sounds like he's probably talking about something he knows nothing about.

definitely not adding anything with such a statement, more like dragging a conversation down.

Do you read RELEVANT Magazine's blog? I particularly enjoyed this recent post; it's not specifically geared towards this particular topic, but more as a whole...

Bookstore Piet said...

We've disagreed on 'words' before.

As a recap I think it's not really the word but the intent.

In this case Mr Savage meant to hurt and demean. No wiggle room. No space for explanation.

I could go on about many of the other things he has said about other groups but I'll just leave it at this-

'He is not a good person and quite possibly not worth the oxygen he consumes.'

Chris said...


You're right in the fact that Savage didn't have good intentions when he uttered this nonsense.

The thing that really gets me is that he's using the fact that he had a disabled brother die as a shield for uttering nonsensical "stats" about autism.

However (isn't there usually a however when we chat?), I'm not gonna agree with the "quite possibly not worth the oxygen he consumes" shot, even if done in hyperbole.

I'm trying so hard to eliminate the venom in my discoure with folks. Here's a quote from Christ that we've all heard, but when you really examine it, you get an idea of how revolutionary Christ was and is.

Luke 6:35 -
But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, because he is kind to the ungrateful and wicked.